Belize, Guatemala, Mexico
An ongoing project
What happened to the fascinating nation which once knew how to grow variation of crops, heal using natural plant medicine, build complicated pyramid structures, observing the sky and being precise astronomers without any technology?
Have they transitioned to another dimension, paralel universe or did they die off a disease perhaps similar to Covid or did they experienced extreme draught and their land became inhabitable?
I have been working within Yucatan communities, in Mexico and Belize and I spent two years going back and forth between Belize living in the jungle. I have spent months at the time om each trip and I have been learning first hand about Mayan heritage, the changes in climate and landscape. Deforestation and rising of temperatures, more frequent draughts which are always followed by floods, rising intensity of hurricanes and wildfires. I experienced all of that first hand when I spend the first 7 months of 2020 quarantine in the jungle in Belize, living off grit and rural. I spent days, weeks and months fighting for survival, almost one more of which putting off wildfires to protect our shack and cabin. It was eyes opening and very intense.
I interviewed and photographed the Mayans descendants; we spoke about their heritage, traditions, medicine, spirituality and earlier in 2011 the most debated topic was closing circle and the on 21st December 2012 and the beginning of a new cycle for humanity.
I watched the wonderment of millions butterflies flying from North America to the the mountains of Mexico, completing their thousands of miles journey to mate, to fulfil their life purpose; an act of a selfless sacrifice of their lives for their future generations. It moved me inspired in so many different ways, mainly to educate our future generation, preserve out planet for them and fight for enviromental justice.